What does engagement mean?

Muhammad Azeem
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The exact definition of engagement varies from industry to industry and product to product; But in the case of software and digital space, an index is needed to check the level of interest of users towards the product or company and to monitor interactions such as the number of downloads, clicks, content sharing and time spent on website pages. . Writing comments and liking social pages explain this concept

What does engagement mean?

Why do we use the term “engagement”?

A customer invests time, emotions, money and energy in using a product. To define the behavior of customers towards a product or company, the level of “interaction” is the best term.

Why is the Product or Company Engagement metric important?

The more time a customer spends following a product, the more they will invest in the product, which will translate into beneficial results, such as: B. making a purchase, creating a user on the site, following economic news, following targeted content and generally achieving the final goal; This means making more money, doing more branding and doing more advertising.

This indicator can be directly related to the success or failure of a business; In addition, by studying the behavior of interested customers and their points of view, marketing groups can significantly contribute to improving strategies and increasing the quality of work and services.

Why is the Product or Company Engagement metric important?

Analyze and improve customer interaction with the product or company.

Verification and methods to improve user engagement vary depending on the type of business. Consider the following examples:

  • The ultimate goal of an e-commerce site is sales. To increase user participation and engagement, such a website allows you to measure the number of purchases made, the exit rate from the purchase page, and the success rate of options such as "special offers" or "contests and sweepstakes". .
  • For a newly published website, it makes more sense to review and focus on the published content. The more time the customer spends reading the articles and content of the site and the more engaged he is with the site, the more likely it is to generate revenue.
  • For an application, the verification criteria can be the number of installations and executions, the average duration of use, and the processes performed by this application (e.g., purchasing services, registering, paying bills).
  • For a social network, depending on how users are most active (news, education, entertainment) and in what form (photo, video, text, audio post), the participation criterion can be the number of users, the duration of stay, and the activity is on the schedule.

Tips on the principles and general rules of user engagement or interaction with a product or company

It should be noted that the concepts of "usability" and "engagement" are very similar, but should not be considered the same. There is a big difference if a customer uses a product or service only once but is not interested in it and follows it, even if after learning about the product or service, he is interested in it and its news, advertising and monitoring new products. Become a company, recommend it to others and commit to supporting it and using it regularly to continue your progress. Therefore, routines should be planned to guide the user towards their desires and goals and give them a sense of interest and commitment.

Remember that advertising unrelated to the main objective of a company or with unnecessary and inappropriate content will lead to a decrease in customer interest. Increasing engagement and commitment is basically about improving the user experience while using and engaging with the service or product, which we will mention in the following methods and tips:

  • Help users achieve their goals
  • Produce content that displays clearly and clearly on all platforms, in all dimensions and formats.
  • Publish content and ads that are relevant, unique, creative and adapted to the main theme of your business.
  • Find your strengths and weaknesses, develop your strengths and improve your weaknesses

Following the previous points, you must develop methods to bring more value to your customers and audience. The more satisfied the customer is with your product or service, the more he will feel that you value and care about him and his concern, and the better the experience he will have when buying or visiting you, the more interested he will be in coming back to you. you are bigger. By following the messages and presentations, you will be more towards others, which means commitment and commitment on the part of the customer to the product or company.

In today's world where businesses are connecting at high speed, the speed of customer interaction with the website is one of the main criteria for the success rate of the website and therefore the overall success of the business. . Below we explore the nine most important indicators of user engagement in the digital world and ways to improve them. You should choose one or more of these options for constant control and monitoring in order to improve your work. The general point of all methods is the attractiveness, richness and timeliness of the content published in the virtual space, the management and publication strategy of which can determine the level of customer satisfaction and interest.

Principles and general rules of user engagement with a product

Indicators of user interaction or customer interaction with the website

1- Incoming traffic and visits to website pages

The number of pages visited by a user Pageview, the number of site visitors in session and the number of unique users (users with different IPs) are the main criteria for measuring the amount of incoming traffic to a site. Generally, the page view is the most studied among these three. To monitor it, you can use the Google Analytics tool in the Audience > Overview section.

To improve this index, you can offer interesting SEO content, promote your website on social networks like Instagram, get links from other websites or use Google AdWords to increase engagement with your product or business.

2- Time on site – time on site

Due to the existence of similar websites in different domains, the time spent by the user on a website is very important, which is analyzed in two types: “time visited on a specific page of the website” and “total time spent”. on the website". "Analyzing this index can provide good statistical data on the level of interest and interaction with the product or company. For example, if you have published a 2000-word article on a page, but a user on this page has only 10 Seconds visited, the published article must not meet the required standards and is not attractive enough, so you should pay more attention to this content.

To monitor this rate, you can use Google Analytics under the Acquisition tab.

To check the failure rate of the entire website or a specific page, one of the best methods is to check the past statistics, which is recommended for a period of one year. To see which pages generated the most incoming traffic, go to Behavior > Content exploration in Google Analytics (you can explore the results using filters). Enter one of the pages. For example, if your content on this page is 500 words and the time spent on it is of about 1-2 minutes, this means that the content has received good feedback and by looking at similar examples you can define your good content production strategy and discover the strengths and weaknesses of the pages by randomly comparing the most visited and least visited pages.

To improve this indicator, which can lead to an increase in engagement, it is necessary to take into account the value of the content, the accessibility and usability of the pages, as well as the use of clear and clear CTAs.

(CTA stands for calls to action, which means encouraging the reader to achieve a specific goal, such as placing a "Create User", "Subscribe" or "Buy" button.)

Time on site – time on site

3- Exit Percentage or Bounce Rate – Bounce Rate

This metric shows the number of visitors who left the site after viewing a single page. This metric shows the quality of your content. If a user leaves the site without any activity, it may be due to the ineffectiveness of the site’s visual and textual content, lack of clear or repetitive CTAs, and inadequate appearance of the site (UI-UX).

You can navigate to Behavior > Site Content > All Pages in Gol Analytics to monitor the bounce rate.

To improve this rate, which can lead to better engagement, you should create strong, useful, and trustworthy content and use internal links, as well as ensure that the user experience when using the site is improved.

Exit Percentage or Bounce Rate – Bounce Rate

4- Top Exit Pages

In this index, this is a page that the user left after visiting several other pages and whose last page was visited. This option is suitable if you have defined a path for the customer to reach a goal. For example, the Contact page should have a high exit rate, which indicates that it is well designed and allows the customer to access the contact information they need. However, if the exit rate on the pages is high, we do not expect B. pages or long articles with internal links to be viewed, which means we need to review the content and information on these pages.

To check the exit pages, you can go to Behavior > Site Content > Exit Pages in Google Analytics.

To improve this metric and user engagement, you should also review the content, design, and layout of options and materials (UI-UX), and CTAs.

5- Page Depth/Scroll

Looking at this index shows how far the visitor has scrolled down the page and where they stopped reading the content, which is analyzed from the perspective of readability and attractiveness.

To view this index, you must install the Google Analytics Scroll Depth add-on to access your statistics in the Google Analytics console.

To improve this index and increase satisfaction and engagement, check:

  • What happened to make the user stop following this part of the page?
  • Are there any problems with this site in terms of attractiveness, effectiveness, impact on user experience or content?
  • Consider yourself as a visitor and follow their path to find errors.

6- The number of unique visitors – Unique visitors

This indicator shows the number of visitors who have visited the website at least once during a certain period of time. Of course, it should be remembered that the counting criterion is not the IP, but the identifier assigned to each browser (Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, etc.). Therefore, if someone accesses the site using two browsers, they will be counted twice as a separate user. However, good statistics can be obtained from the analysis.

To view these statistics, go to Audience > Overview of Google Analytics.

To improve this index and increase engagement with the product or company, know your target audience better, check the impact and effectiveness of the content for each audience and promote the website.

The number of unique visitors – Unique visitors

7- New visitors vs. returning visitors – New visitors vs. returning visitors

As I said, Google usually assigns an identifier to each browser to count new visitors, but with this algorithm, Google has become smarter and when the user logs in with their Google account on different mobile and portable browsers, Google recognizes only that first device as the user knows something new.

The data for this indicator can be viewed in Google Analytics under Audience > Behavior > New or returning.

This review lasts for two years. The greater number of returning than new visitors shows the engagement of customers and their interest in following the news and published content. The statistical results of this option are usually useful for monitoring the effectiveness of campaigns. For example, in advertising, a higher percentage of new visitors indicates the success of the advertising campaign; In the field of organic search (entering visitors through search engines), it is better if the statistics are almost the same; When it comes to email marketing, if you create a mailing list from the CRM, you can expect more repeat visitors; A higher number of previous visitors can be expected in the direct traffic area that was accessed by entering the site address.

If the return of old customers is high, you should think about new strategies for this group. If you see a decrease in the number of old visitors as well as an increase in the bounce rate, it is better to check the quality of the content and increase user satisfaction. and engagement.

8- Conversion Rate – Conversion Rate

This indicator presents the statistics of visitors who have fully completed the site's destination, for example: B. Buy, download, communicate via a contact or fill out a form or return to view new or old content. This index is analyzed in three dimensions: the overall conversion rate, the conversion rate of advertising channels and the conversion rate of advertising keywords.

Some social networks have a tool to view these statistics and of course you can also use Google Analytics.

Conversion rate is often the ultimate business goal and a sign of higher engagement. Therefore, you should improve it through effective advertising, choosing the right audience and publishing quality content.

Conversion Rate – Conversion Rate

9- Abandonment rate

This option is one of the most important indicators for digital business analysis, which examines the number of visitors who have reached the final goal of the website (for example, buying a product), but have stopped moving forward at the final stage; for example, products have been added to the cart, but the purchase process is not yet complete. According to a study, about three out of ten online purchases are made. In the digital space, a low rate means high engagement and more money. This phenomenon can be due to reasons such as high shipping costs, complexity of the purchase process, errors on the website or limitations in payment methods, which must be thoroughly investigated.

You can find information and statistics on this indicator in Google Analytics under Conversions > E-Commerce > Purchase Behavior.

To improve this rate, you need to carefully examine the processes that lead the customer to the goal (e.g. purchase or download) and make changes if necessary.


Engagement or involvement in a product or company means the intellectual commitment and interest of the customer in your company. The stronger this indicator, the more successful you have been in providing products and services, customers are interested in your company and introduce you to others, which leads to higher profits.

In the age of technology, the rise of businesses in the digital space and the need for business owners to operate on the Internet have created a tough competitive environment that has had a major impact on achieving the overall goals of companies. Therefore, it is very important to select the right indicators to check performance and planning. One such indicator in the digital world is product engagement, which for better productivity requires identifying effective elements and choosing a number for continuous statistics to improve the business.

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