Using Data to Optimize Conversion Rates

Muhammad Azeem
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Nowadays, with the increase and development of the Internet and virtual space in all aspects of life, there are successful businesses that visit the Internet world a lot and can make a career in this field. The more traffic and visits to a website or page, the more chances you have to sell and provide services to that website. One of the most important factors that websites can use to analyze their data and increase traffic to their website is the conversion rate and its optimization. In this article, we will provide you with complete information about conversion rate optimization and using data to improve website visits.

Using Data to Optimize Conversion Rates

What is the conversion rate?

In the first step of this article, we need to know what exactly the conversion rate is and how data can be used to optimize it. When you enter a website, it is a unique opportunity for a seller or service provider to become a buyer or manager.

You can go from a simple visitor to a temporary or permanent buyer, you can order the services of the desired company, you can become one of the constant readers of the site and subscribe to its newsletter, you can participate in surveys. Website and any other action indicating your participation on the Website. In digital terms, you have become! From an ordinary user to a buyer or requester of services.

The level of interaction of users and readers of the website with the desired activities of the website is called the conversion rate. Undoubtedly, the higher this rate, the more popular the website becomes and the more likely it is to succeed. Experts of each site and virtual space use different data to determine and optimize conversion rates. In short, the conversion rate gives you information that allows you to understand user behavior, site performance and feedback, and use your data analysis to fill gaps and leverage your strengths.

What is conversion rate optimization or CRO?

So far, we have learned about the concept of conversion rate. Now let’s see what conversion rate optimization is. As the name of this concept suggests, any action that leads to an increase in the number of customers and regular users of the site is consistent with conversion rate optimization.

Above all, conversion rate optimization is not a project that you can convince yourself that you will work on it for a month or two and get the desired result. Rather, optimization is a constant process that you must continue every time you own a website and operate in the online world.

Conversion rate optimization or CRO

How to measure conversion rates

Measuring the conversion rate is a relatively simple task. Of course, factors and other elements can also influence this calculation, but in general, we can say that to measure the conversion rate, it is enough to divide the desired customer behavior by the number of visits.

The required behavior of the customer varies depending on the type of sites and their objectives. For a store site, the desired behavior is the number of customer purchases and for a news site, membership is the desired behavior.

For a store website, simply divide the number of user purchases by the number of views. For example, if 100 users visited your website in a certain period of time and 20 of them made a purchase, your website’s conversion rate is 0.2.

To measure conversion rates

Are SEO and CRO the same thing?

One of the most common misconceptions in the digital world is that many people think that SEO and conversion rate optimization are the same concept, even though they are not. It is true that these two concepts are related and can both influence the success of your website and increase the number of sales and services provided, but they are two completely different concepts.

SEO is the process and strategies implemented by website experts to improve the position of the website in search engines. In fact, their goal is to gain the satisfaction and attention of search engines while optimizing, as mentioned above, the conversion rate: they try to increase the number of customers and study their behavior.

Are SEO and CRO the same thing

What factors should we optimize on our site to increase conversion rates?

To increase the conversion rate of your website, your website must be able to attract customer feedback from the first moment the user enters the website. There are important elements like website speed, landing page, etc. that you should pay attention to in the first step of optimization.

Optimizing the home page or landing page

The home page of a website is the first page that users visit when they click on the link to your website. It is different from the main page of the website. To increase the conversion rate of your data, you should optimize the landing page and the home page of your website.

For example, if you have a store site, instead of making separate purchases and payments for each product, it is better to design a shopping cart so that users can easily order and pay for all the products and goods they want. Make sure that users who need to select the purchase process for each product separately communicate this during the meeting!

Optimizing the home page or landing page

Optimization of text and content.

Another main factor that influences the conversion rate of the website is its text and content. When producing content, you should pay attention to different aspects.

  • Try to choose attractive and beautiful titles for the content of the page in order to attract the attention of users and readers at first glance.
  • Write the content in clear and fluent language so that all users can read it and get acquainted with its meaning.
  • Use paragraphs and subheadings and avoid writing long and monotonous texts.
  • Make the title and subheading more colorful so that the reader can see the differences from other parts of the article.
  • Write comprehensive content so that the reader can get all the information they need from your content.
  • Don’t limit yourself to text content and use other content like videos, podcasts, animations, images, etc.

Use and optimize the form

One of the most important steps to optimize the conversion rate of your website is to use user feedback forms. These forms can provide you with useful information. For example, you can ask your users to fill out special forms before making a purchase, joining the site or requesting services. These forms can contain information such as profession, age, gender, ways to get information on the website, etc.

In order for these forms to lead you to the information you need, they must be optimized. This optimization includes the following:

  • Choose short and useful forms. Make sure that filling out forms with many fields tires users and that many of them can stop filling out the form in the middle of working.
  • The designed form must be beautiful and continuous. Your questions should be clear and you should avoid asking incomprehensible and stupid questions.
  • Place the most important fields in the upper sections and the less important fields in the lower sections.
  • If you need to create a user account, you can ask users to enter their email or Gmail address so that they can remember it more easily.
  • If you need a password, try to use one that is easy to use and remember. You can also use the option to remember the password and user account so that when users access your website using the same digital device, they directly access their user account and do not have to enter any information or password.

Use and optimize the form

Optimization of the site structure

Another factor that can have a direct positive impact on the optimization of the conversion rate is the structure of your website. The site should have a simple map and structure, and users should be able to easily navigate and find the sections they want. If your website is completely uniform and has no categories or divisions, users will quickly become tired and confused after entering and leaving the website.

Action Button Optimize

The action is the action of the button or a task that you use to ask users to do what you want. For example, this button could say “Buy”, “Order”, or “Subscribe”. To optimize this button, you can change the font, size, color, and other factors of this button.

Action Button Optimize

Website Speed ​​Optimization

Another important and effective factor in conversion rate optimization is website speed optimization. Statistics show that every second of delay can reduce conversion rates by 7-11%. If your website has a loading speed of more than 6 seconds, it is considered a slow website and you risk losing a large number of users in a short period of time.

Different Methods to Measure and Optimize Conversion Rate

There are several tools available to give you access to the data you need to determine conversion rates. You need a lot of information to determine the conversion rate and the factors that influence it. Usually, access to this information is done through two methods of analysis and the use of tools, as well as the method of valuing people's opinions.

Analytical method

This process uses various tools, such as Google Analytics, to check customer behavior. These tools show you which page your website visitors come from and where they accessed your website. What browsers do they use, what age and gender are they? Which part of your website has the most visits and which part has the least and will provide you with more information that will be very useful to you.

Analytical method

Using surveys and forms

Another way to access the data you need and use it to improve your conversion rate is to use various forms and surveys. Of course, the effectiveness of this method is lower than the previous method, but in special and minor cases it can have a significant impact.

You can place various surveys and forms on your website and ask questions to your customers and users. These forms can include questions like your age, gender, and personal information. You can also ask the user what they find interesting about your website. What are the strengths and weaknesses of your website? And any other questions that interest you.

Various tools to collect information and data to improve conversion rates.

As already mentioned, to determine and optimize the conversion rate, we need various data that can be accessed both analytically and in the form of surveys. In addition to analytical tools like Google Analytics, there are other tools that you can use to analyze the data. These tools include the following:

Testing the usability of the website.

As mentioned above, the simplicity of the website is one of the important factors affecting the conversion rate optimization. To check this factor of your website, you can test it using various tools. This tool checks and shows the usability of the website, access to content, etc. from the customer’s point of view.

Net Promoter Score

Another tool that will help you optimize the conversion rate is the Net Promoter Score or NPS. This index shows the level of loyalty of users and customers of your website. This tool divides users and customers into three categories: promoters, passives and repellents.

Promoters are your regular customers and loyal customers who introduce your products to others. Passives are those who access your website but do not make a purchase and do not introduce you to others. Detractors are also those who are not satisfied with your service and purchase and are likely to post negative advertisements about you. Having access to this information and data has helped you understand your strengths and weaknesses and improve your data conversion rate.

Heatmaps and Click maps

Other data analysis tools include the use of clicks and heatmaps. These maps show you which areas of your website are popular and which areas receive the least clicks.

Heatmaps and Click maps

Scroll Maps

These maps show user behavior on your website. You can easily find out which sections the user browsed after entering your website, where they spent the most time, which sections they did not visit, etc.

What benefits does conversion rate optimization bring you?

Once you have access to the data you need, analyze it and take the necessary steps to fill your gaps and develop your strengths:

  • Your potential customers become real.
  • You identify your target group and invest in it.
  • Your ROI will be faster.
  • Your referred customers will increase.
  • Your website traffic will increase, SEO and search engine position will improve.
  • Users' trust in your website will increase.


Conversion rate data indicates how many users and visitors to your website have performed the expected behavior. This behavior can be a purchase, membership, or service order. To optimize conversion rates, you need to access various data. This information is obtained from various methods such as forms and surveys or various analytical tools. After analyzing your data, you can improve your data conversion rate through various strategies such as: For example, by creating appropriate content, simplifying the website, taking action, etc.

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