How to Write an Email That Guarantees Sales?

Muhammad Azeem
By -

To Open or Not to Open; The Problem Is This!

Should I open this email? Will this email help me?

These are the questions that come to every user’s mind when they check their email inbox. If this user is one of your prospects, the answer to this question could make a difference in your bank account numbers. So of course, you want the answer to be yes. Of course, it’s not just the opening of the email that is crucial for your business. To achieve the goal and find the answer to this question with “yes”, it is necessary that users also answer “yes” to other questions. The next question is: would it be a favor for me to respond to this email?

How to Write an Email That Guarantees Sales?

Sales professionals invest a lot of time and effort in setting up their email marketing campaigns. Yet, buyers only open 24% of promotional emails. This low email open rate is due to unpleasant emails that the customer perceives as equivalent to other worthless emails in their inbox. Low email engagement affects the entire sales process, which ultimately affects the company’s sales.

When you become a goal-oriented person and do your best by putting yourself in your customers’ shoes, you will create a high-quality email marketing campaign. As you can see, to achieve your goals, you need to encourage users to open your email and then convince them to respond. In this article, we will help you write promotional emails and reveal the secrets to getting quick responses.

Write an Email That Guarantees Sales

How to Write a Promotional Email?

The goal of sending promotional emails is always to build a relationship with the customer and generate revenue for your business. Sales professionals send many emails to customers in hopes of a positive response. Sales professionals must learn how to create a compelling and engaging email to get the desired response.

Writing an effective promotional email is a step-by-step process. Every promotional email consists of 5 sections. Each part has its own meaning. Make sure your customers are impressed and take the desired action (purchase).


The title bar is the most important part of your email. 47% of recipients open an email just because of the subject line. Make your email attractive and delight the recipient, or stay untouched in the inbox forever. For your email subject line to be effective, you need to understand and empathize with your customers’ problems, pains, and emotions. Send your customers a personalized subject line that makes them want to open the email. The title bar should not only be appropriate and relevant to the recipient but also focus well on the content of the message. Never use spam words in the subject line of your email. Otherwise, you will end up in the recipient’s spam folder.

You should stimulate your customers’ curiosity by asking them questions or providing information about their interests. This helps keep your email fake in your customers’ minds, making them want to open it as soon as they see it.

Here are some examples of effective titles:

  • A Few Tips to Solve (Receiver Problem)
  • Quick Questions About (Target Recipient)
  • A Special Gift for You from (Company Name)
  • I Also Suffer from (Receiver Problem).

Starting Line

The first line of your email is not just about you; it is also for your customers. The recipient is looking at the first line of the promotional email, which they can read without opening it. Be careful about the words you use in your first line. Improving the content of your opening line will encourage your customers to open your email. Never start your email with: “Hello, my name is X and I work for Igreg, instead try to write an effective sentence related to the subject of your email title bar.

Before you start writing promotional emails, make sure you know enough about your customers.

Starting Line

Email Text

After the previous two points, your customer now has some background information about the content of your email. They are looking for your product or solutions via email. This is the phase where you can empathize with the customer and build a relationship. Ask a question about the customer’s problem. Then come up with a reliable solution that works for them. You can use flattery in your email, but never make it sound like a sales pitch. Keep your email short and sweet. Avoid margins and use simple and pleasant words to improve the readability of the email.

Finishing Line and Action Button

It’s time to do something for yourself. All your emails are aimed at helping your customers. Except the last line, which is supposed to state the goal. Guide the customer toward their goal by adding the right call-to-action (CTA) button. Your goal may be to request a response, book a calendar, make a phone call, and sell a product or service.

The end result should be a statement with a call-to-action button. Adding multiple call-to-action buttons multiplies the nature of the email and negatively impacts its effectiveness. Your call-to-action button should be clear, helpful, concise, and not confuse your audience. A well-placed call-to-action button can bring you quick success. All it takes is the right text at the right time.

Finishing Line and Action Button

Email Signature

The job of the closing note is to add extra details and credibility to your email. Use a simple email signature with your name, introduction, and company details. Add your contact number and social media links if necessary. This will make it easier for people to check your background and learn more about your business.

It is important not to add too much detail to your email signature. Because it makes your email footer look ugly. In addition, you should avoid using images and certain symbols (e.g. “); Because some email services do not support them.

With these elements, you can write a great promotional email. But the problem is: how to write a professional promotional email that gives your customers joy and satisfaction beyond just work? Check out the following tips to create an effective promotional email.

Tips and tricks for writing an effective promotional email

Remember when we talked about some secrets for writing effective promotional emails? In this section, we would like to provide you with a list of best practices that will increase the effectiveness of your promotional emails.

Keep your email short and sweet

No one likes to read long emails full of theories. Let’s get to the point. According to a study, the ideal length of an email should be between 75 and 100 words. Make sure you fully convey your message in those 100 words. Address your customers’ problems and impress them with a simple and short tone. This will significantly increase your response rate.

Personalize every email

Personalized emails make the recipient feel like the email was written just for them. Research your customers thoroughly and add personal information to your email. Properly personalized emails achieve a 14% higher click-through rate. What’s better than that for a promotional email?

If you want to send promotional emails to customers in batches, it’s a bit complicated to personalize. Some tools like HubSpot, SendPulse, and Moosend help you send personalized emails to a group of your customers with a single click.

Personalize every email

Even if it’s formal, have a little humor.

Many books emphasize the formality of email. But being formal is boring. To make your emails interesting and engaging, you need to add some humor to it. Try adding GIFs and sarcastic quotes. It doesn’t affect the purpose of your email, but your customer will definitely try it.

Ask questions that pique your customers’ curiosity

You can do your tests in the body of the email. Try to make it as catchy, attractive, and interesting as possible. Research your customers and find out what problems they are facing. Focus on these questions. Ask them about their current solution and the results they have achieved. Ask what other benefits they expect from this product. These questions pique your customers’ curiosity, which starts a great conversation and takes it to the next level.

Speak to your customers in their language

It is very important to use the right literature when writing promotional emails. You need to use the right words, slogans, and terms that your customers use. This way, you can make sure that your email message is understood. When you use literature for your customers, you generate more empathy, build better relationships, and increase your conversion rates.

Be attractive by using numbers

Numbers always play a very important role in your emails. Promotional emails should include statistics, growth rates, and customer acquisition examples. Numbers add credibility and clarity to your emails. Of course, it also increases the chances of getting a response from your customers. When writing promotional emails, make sure to write numbers numerically (e.g. 2 instead of two). It will be more attractive.

Avoid spam words

Spam has become a big problem these days. According to a 2018 report, 88% of promotional emails end up in the primary inbox and 12% in the spam folder. Avoid overusing unnecessary spam words like “free,” “offer,” and “discount.” This way, you get a good sender history and can bypass email filters.

Avoid spam words

Set an expiration date

Due dates always help you appear responsible. Some sales professionals believe that setting deadlines can come across as a bit rude to customers. But if done correctly, it will certainly not be a problem. You can always ask your customers to come to your place for a specific duration or to arrange an appointment with you on a specific date.

Scheduling helps your customers prioritize their work and set aside time for you. Adding a deadline to offers or discount codes also helps them make a purchase decision faster.

Track your emails

Email tracking is one of the best practices for sending promotional emails. By tracking your emails, you can learn more about your customers' behavior. Email tracking is also an analytics method to evaluate the performance of your emails.

You can use free tools like Right Inbox, Mailtrack for Gmail, and Hubspot to track your emails, get delivery reports, and analyze their performance.

Focus on selling to decision-makers first, then think about selling to people.

Promotional emails go through different phases. First, you connect with people, then with decision-makers, and finally, you close the deal. A decision maker is a person who controls the purchasing budget of an organization and is responsible for deciding what to buy and what not to buy. To reach the final stage easily, it is necessary to get the consent of the people at the first stage. Try to communicate quickly with the decision-makers and apply your best strategies. Make sure that the decision maker is satisfied with your product or service. In this way, you can recommend your product or service to your team or the leaders of your organization.

Describe Benefits Instead of Features

Great features make your product or service more recognizable. But customers are looking for benefits and the ability of your product to solve their problems. They want to see how your product meets their needs. Therefore, always try to show the benefits and advantages of your product or service instead of listing its features.

By explaining the benefits in promotional emails, customers think that you understand their problem and can help them solve it.

Describe Benefits Instead of Features

talk nonsense

Election optimism is the worst tool for a sales team. Never try to entice your customers to send promotional emails. Write down everything you have up your sleeve and don't overdo it, as the saying goes. No matter what, your customers will investigate you and your product.

With the right solution, they say, you will gain loyal customers who will stay with you for the long term. Incorrect or exaggerated information reduces your customer base and negatively impacts your brand value.

Get Feedback on Your Emails

Once your promotional email is ready, send it to your team members. Listen. Feedback from different minds will help you improve your email standards. Going through a copy of your email with your colleagues can also help you spot minor errors that you might have missed.

Double-check all links and action buttons

Links and action buttons directly address your email-sending goals. Before scheduling your promotional emails, you should manually check the functionality of the links. Also, check if your calendar or appointment links are active. Emails with broken or useless links are a waste of time and money.

Double-check it before you hit send

After preparing your email copy, you are just one step away from your goal. But before you hit the send button, there are a few things you need to do. Read your email copy out loud to catch any grammatical errors or bad prompts. If necessary, use a copywriting service provider’s tool, such as B. editor to create high-quality content. Your customers should receive the best promotional email ever created.

Don’t hit the submit button until you feel everything is perfect.

Double-check it before you hit send

final word

Now that you know the basics and fundamentals of creating an effective promotional email, you can expect a positive response from your customers. By observing and applying these elements, you will increase your chances of increasing your email response rate. Remember that the response rate directly affects your conversion rate, your sales, and your bank account.

Creating engaging content, adding value, and helping customers are integrated answers to the question: How to write promotional emails that effectively increase our conversion rate?

By writing and sending effective promotional emails at the right time, using effective techniques that get your customers to respond to you, and knowing how to stay in touch with those customers, you will see your response and conversion rates increase.

Through A/B testing and continuous improvement, you can discover other key elements that will help you increase your sales productivity and revenue.

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