Build a mailing list or buy an email bank

Muhammad Azeem
By -

Email marketing is one of the oldest and most ancient methods of online and digital marketing and advertising. It brings many benefits to business owners and helps you communicate with your customers at the lowest cost, offer them special discounts, inform them about new products. different. Events, etc. A solid email bank is the first thing you need in email marketing. There are two ways to prepare this email bank: you can build an email list yourself or buy an email bank. But which method is right for you? Join us to learn more about this topic.

Build a mailing list or buy an email bank

What is email marketing and why is it important in today's world?

Before we get into the methods of setting up an email bank, we need to know what email marketing is and what benefits it really brings us in today's business. As mentioned in the introduction section, you have the email addresses of your customers and your target audience. By sending them your emails, you can, for example, inform them about discounts or new products, remind them of unfinished purchases, send and receive purchase invoices, give your opinion, take advantage of customer offers, send newsletters, etc.

This will help you retain your old customers and add new customers to your business. It also allows you to build a good relationship with your audience and increase their trust in your business.

Now we would like to tell you why email marketing can help you a lot in today's competitive world. Email is one of the oldest means and methods of communication in the Internet world, which according to statistics has more than 3.9 billion users. This number is increasing faster despite the increasing use of the Internet and the digital world. Almost all students, virtual room users, bank customers, online game followers and most people have an email and use it for various tasks. These billions of statistics and email usage have made email marketing one of the most effective marketing and advertising methods.

What is email banking and what benefits does it bring to your business?

Now that we know about email marketing and its importance in today's business world, let's see what an email bank is and why it is important to prepare it. Imagine that you want to inform others about your promotion in order to get a special discount through email marketing. Even if you have many email addresses, many people may not be interested in your products and services, and constantly sending promotional emails will get you blacklisted.

Many countries have laws that prohibit sending promotional emails, which prevents many users from sending promotional emails. Although this law is not yet enforced in Iran, sending emails to people who are not part of your target audience can have a negative impact on the public’s perception of your brand and services. Therefore, you need an email bank to know exactly what you are sending to interested people in your emails.

What is email banking and what benefits does it bring to your business

What type of people can your email bank include?

Those who have already purchased a product or received a service from you. They ask them to provide their email address during the checkout process.

Anyone who has checked the box can send news and information from the site by email.

People who have registered on your website.

Those who have given you their business card at an event such as a festival.


What are the benefits of creating an email bank and sending messages to your audience? The main benefits of an email bank are:

You can have peace of mind when viewing ads

Statistics show that customers and website users check their email at least once a day. So, if you send the desired content to your audience via an email bank, they are more likely to see it. The important thing is that when you advertise on various virtual networks, your message may get lost among many other messages displayed to the user! However, sending an email to your email bank largely solves this problem. It is interesting to know that, according to a study, advertising is about five times more likely to be seen in emails than on popular social networks like Facebook.

The mailing list is yours

If the algorithms of the social network you are active on or Google's algorithms change, you have no choice but to stay up to date. But the mailing list is exactly at your disposal and you can make changes to it at any time.

The mailing list is yours

You will have a more direct relationship with your customers

Have you ever heard about the psychological benefits of calling people by their name? When you say their name when communicating with someone, the impact of your words and communication is multiplied. When you publish your ads on social networks, you can publish only one public post. However, with an email bank, you can send any email using the personal name of the other party. For example, for a user named Muhammad, you can start the text with “Dear Muhammad”. In order not to miss our special discounts on a specific day, enter the website or the link below. Direct communication with users can multiply their desire to buy.

Encourages users to revisit the website.

Let me tell you a bitter truth. About 70% of users who enter a website never come back! Yes, this statistic probably worries you a little! By setting up an email bank and using email marketing, you can inform these users about festivals, discounts or important announcements and encourage them to return to the site.

Email is more effective

You may be interested to know that despite advertising on various virtual networks such as Instagram, Twitter and Facebook, the effectiveness of email marketing remains higher than other methods. Knowing this, even these networks still use email for notifications and user queries. So, if you create an email bank and send promotional emails, you can be sure that the effectiveness of your advertising will be high.

Email is more effective

Your advertising costs are low

Without a doubt, we are all looking for a cost-effective advertising method. What better solution than creating an email bank and email marketing? This method is one of the cheapest and most profitable advertising methods and you do not have to pay any special fees for it.

Methods of preparing email banks.

At this point in the article, where we have learned the importance of email marketing and preparing a content database, we want to know what methods we can use to create this database. To create an email bank, you can buy an email bank or create a mailing list yourself. But how does each of these methods work and what are the advantages and disadvantages for you? Below, you will learn more about these two methods and how they compare.

What does buying an email bank involve or does it make sense to do so?

One of the methods you can use to prepare an email bank is to buy an email bank. Simply search for the word “email banking” in search engines to find several websites that offer you an email bank to send your emails to for a fee. But how useful and effective can this be for you? Overall, if you ask us for an honest answer in today’s digital and competitive world, we have to say that buying an email bank probably won’t help you as much as you’d like. Why? For reasons we’ll learn later.

  • It is possible that the emails provided to you belong to people who do not use your email at all and that these emails are inactive.
  • These registered emails may not belong to real people, and just like many accounts are fake when buying Instagram followers, these emails do not concern a real person and are only used as identification.
  • Emails can be directed to people who are not interested in your business or services and who are not part of your target audience. Therefore, sending emails to these people not only does not help you, but can also harm you.
  • In addition, sending mass emails to people who are not part of your target audience and who are not happy to receive your emails can significantly increase the risk of your emails becoming spam.

buying an email bank involve

How to Create a Mailing List and How to Do It

As mentioned above, to create an email list, you can either buy an email list or create a list yourself. We have discovered the disadvantages of buying an email list above. So, if you are looking for advertising and successful business, you better build this list yourself. There are several ways to create a mailing list, which we will discover later.

There are two ways to prepare your mailing list. Login or Subscribe.

  • The first method usually requires users to register on the site after accessing your site to perform tasks such as downloading articles or reading more complex content. During this registration, you will get various information about the age, gender, age and of course the email address of the users. This gives you access to the emails of your users and readers and allows you to complete your mailing list.
  • In the second method, usually when accessing your website, a small section will appear at the bottom or top of the page asking users whether or not they are interested in receiving your emails. Enabling this option will give you access to your users' emails and ensure that users are interested in receiving your news and announcements.

How to successfully build a mailing list and email marketing?

In this section, we would like to offer you solutions so that you can have a solid and professional mailing list and advertise more effectively.

Motivate your users

Imagine that you are entering a website for the first time and reading the article you want. You will be asked whether or not you want to receive emails. Would you check "yes" just to read a useful article on your website? The probability of this happening is low. There are several reasons why you might be tempted to register your email address. For example, if you are told that after registering your email address and membership, you can access some files, play games, get a discount code, attend webinars and much more for free, this time you will probably check if you receive emails. Therefore, depending on the content of the website and the services you provide, you should be able to encourage your users to sign up.

Have simple, short and attractive registration forms

Most likely, your users do not want to spend a lot of time registering, filling out various forms and reading long and difficult sentences. Therefore, to build a mailing list of your users, you should try to use simple, attractive and short registration forms. When users realize that registering an email address and registering on the site does not take time or is difficult, they are more likely to do so.

Have simple, short and attractive registration forms

Make sure to confirm the email address you entered

Another solution that can help you build a mailing list is to confirm the email address you entered. Many users, for some reason, enter an incorrect and fake email address in the form while signing up. As a result, you may end up with a lot of bad emails on your mailing list. The best way to avoid this problem is to ask users to enter their email address and open your confirmation message after saving the email.

Categorize your emails

Another very effective way to increase the effectiveness of email marketing and build a professional mailing list is to categorize your saved emails. It is possible that your website and your business operate in different fields and users are only interested in a part of these activities. By categorizing emails, you can create a professional mailing list and know which group to send each promotional email to.

Use backlinks and advertisements

Another method of email marketing is to promote your services and products in different ways, for example by publishing advertising reports on popular websites related to your field of work. You can use this ad to encourage users to log in and send an email, or ask them to visit your website first. This will increase your website traffic and of course create a more complete mailing list.

Use backlinks and advertisements

At the end of the checkout process, ask users to register their email address

It doesn’t matter whether you sell building materials or digital products on your website! When users buy from your website, it means that they are interested in your products. To stay in constant contact with your customers, you can ask them to enter their email address at the end or during the checkout process.

Participate in festivals and related events.

Festivals and various events are places where you can be sure that the people who participate match your target group exactly. Whether these events take place online or in person, you can participate and present yourself in an attractive way. You can hand out forms to participants and ask them to fill them out. Reassure them by telling them that registration on your website is free and that in return, they will receive useful content and various prizes.

Organize exciting competitions

Research shows that when you organize a competition on your website, registrations to your website increase by more than 70%. Humans are naturally competitive and love competition. For example, imagine you have a website in the tourism sector, you can organize a simple photo contest of beautiful places among users and consider the prize as a free tour. In this way, you can significantly increase your number of users and take a few steps forward in building your mailing list.

Clean your mailing list

One of the most important things you should do after creating an email list is to clean it. To do this, you need to check the bounce rate of your website. This rate tells you how many emails you sent reached users and how many did not. Users may have blocked you or changed their email address for some reason. You need to remove these emails from your list to maintain the validity of your mailing list.


Email marketing is one of the most effective advertising methods that can ensure the success of your business. To do this, you need to prepare a series of thank you emails to your target audience. There are two ways to create an email bank: you can buy an email bank or create an email list yourself. Each of these methods has its advantages, but creating an email list yourself is easier and more professional.

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