10 Techniques to Write Headlines That Attract Your Audience to Your Website

Muhammad Azeem
By -

For a long time, the articles I wrote were not well received and did not rank well on Google. I always wondered why some content is so popular among readers. After much research, I came to the conclusion that the authors of this interesting content are well versed in the techniques of writing headlines.

Techniques to Write Headlines That Attract Your Audience to Your Website

Surely, you have already visited websites nonstop and started reading articles. They must have charmed you with catchy headlines! Valid research has shown that an attractive headline can multiply the target audience of your website. To become a master in the art of writing compelling headlines, you must know the techniques discussed in this article.

you must know the techniques discussed in this article.

What is a headline?

You must have searched Google and seen many websites that all contain the same sentence or phrase at the beginning. Or have you seen the slide-in posts on Instagram, where the first page usually consists of a short sentence? In addition, you have probably seen many books that have a catchy phrase on the cover. All these things that have been said are a topic that you deal with throughout the day. In summary and useful:

A title is a sentence or phrase that appears at the beginning of a piece of content (article, video, book, and photo).

At first, you might think that writing titles is a simple and trivial task. But be careful, if writing titles were an easy task, we would not have used the word "technical" in the title of the article. The word technical is used when a work has its own principles and rules. Therefore, one of the challenges that many content producers face is writing an attractive title. If you read this article to the end, you will learn the art of subtitles.

Why is the title so important?

Title writing skills, improving the SEO of your website.

If you have a website, know that the only way to win Google's heart is to succeed in SEO. First of all, know that the first thing the search engine checks is your title. Google wants to know what is happening in the article based on the title. This means that your title must have a semantic link with your main text.

Be careful, when writing the title on the site, the subject is the SEO title specified with the h1 tag and displayed in Google results.

Attract visitors to the website

Have you ever seen a showcase and decided to go there? The title of the content is the same as that of the showcase. If you learn the art of writing titles well, you will write titles that your audience cannot ignore. In this case, the reader is accessing your website and you want this to happen.

Attract visitors to the website

They do not confuse the audience.

The title is representative of the content and should ideally summarize the entire text in a few words. This is what you need to learn and do as a content producer. Your audience will understand what you have written by reading the headline. Now think for a moment whether you need to read this content or not. Of course, we need to make sure that the audience doesn’t think about it for a moment! This means writing the headline in such a professional way that the audience will immediately visit the page when they read it.

Best Methods for Writing Headlines.

Keep Your Balance

The headline should not be so short that it does not convey the main message to the audience. Moreover, it should not take very long before some of them appear in the results. To write an attractive and professional headline, using 60-70 characters is appropriate. Your headline should convey the main message of the content and, on the other hand, be impressive enough.

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What do you think is the best headline?

Keep Your Balance

Write simply and precisely.

As a content producer, I must tell you that the art of writing is simply in writing. Do not think that harsh words will make the audience fall in love with you. The reader likes to enter the site and gets the information he needs in the shortest possible time. Therefore, it is recommended to pay attention to simplicity not only in the title but also in the entire content. Consider the following two examples:

● How do you use wishes when sending SMS?

● How can I reach the audience through advertising?

In the first case, the audience does not know what Desire and Copywriting are. But in the second title, we made the sentence more understandable by using better words.

Scaring the audience, one of the techniques for writing headlines

Fear is really a strange feeling and we are ready to do anything to get rid of it. For example, if someone tells you that eating a certain food will give you cancer; You will probably reduce your consumption or even stop completely. They can also create a sense of fear in the hearts of your audience. In fact, you are indirectly telling them that they are missing something important or that they will have problems in the future if they do not read your content.

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Scaring the audience, one of the techniques for writing headlines

Arouse Audience Curiosity

The human brain is designed to love getting answers to its questions. At the same time, when you have a question in mind and you search for the answer on Google. You need to arouse the audience’s curiosity with this work. In this case, the audience visits your website to find the answer to the question that came to their mind.

● How did I earn 20 million tomans per month with the ability to design websites?

● Speak English like a nightingale in less than a year!

Promise the audience that you will solve their problems.

To use this technique, you need to promise your audience that the problem in the title will be solved. For example, notice the same title that I wrote for this article. One of the problems that website authors face is that their content is not clicked. Although I associate this problem with the title, I promised you that after reading this article, you will not worry anymore. But first, you need to know your audience. In other words, study the concerns, needs, and problems of your contacts.

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Promise the audience that you will solve their problems

Use Numbers and Percentages for Captioning Techniques.

Psychological research has shown that numbers attract people's attention. If you use numbers in your title, your audience will have a good idea about your content. For this reason, titles that have a number at the beginning attract more attention. Also, do not forget to use the percentage. In our daily life, we mostly use percentages to simplify things. Numbers and percentages show your determination and mastery of the text you have written.

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Tip: Try to put the numbers first in the sentence and also note that odd numbers are more popular than even numbers.

Audiences love laziness!

Instead of saying, “People tend to be lazy,” I prefer to say that they tend to get things done in less time. When writing your headline, promise your audience that it will save them time by reading your content. Of course, no one minds finishing their work earlier and having more time for themselves.

● How to design a website without coding and in less than a few days.

● Stay at home and make money by freelancing.

Audiences love laziness!

Don’t forget the addition “Trin.”

We all want to know who or what will be ranked first. For example, which movie was the best-selling movie this year? Who is the highest-grossing actor in Iran? What is the most disgusting food in the world? If you look closely, all of these elements have the addition of the "train" in their structure. In fact, this extension offers readers a very interesting advantage.

● What are the best programming languages ​​to make money?

● The worst mistakes that make your wife hate you

Personal experiences are popular subtitling methods.

One of the characteristics of humans is that they like to know about other people's experiences. How much time did this person spend on this work and, most importantly, how did he succeed? It is not bad for you to use this method to write the title of your attractive article. Of course, be careful not to tell a story about yourself and say something that you have actually done.

● 5 time management techniques that make me never waste time.

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Personal experiences are popular subtitling methods

Say "like" and win the hearts of the audience.

Don’t forget to use the question word “How” when writing the content title. Titles starting with “how” are very popular and generate a lot of clicks. By reading this word, the audience realizes that they are about to read a very informative article. If you pay attention, I have included many examples in this article.

● How to become a full-fledged professional content writer?

● How did I learn to cook in a very short time?

Important and practical tips for attractive titles

● Use the keyword in the title and try to place it at the beginning of the sentence.

● Do not use abbreviations when writing the title. For example, use the word Aja instead of “Army of the Islamic Republic of Iran”.

● Read the title several times and see if it contains extra words. This means that the letters or words present or not have any impact on your title.

● After writing the title, read it carefully and make sure there are no spelling mistakes. If your title contains a spelling mistake; The credibility of your article will be questioned by the audience.

● Another title technique is to use dates. For example, does the title “Instagram Marketing Training – Update 2021” not appeal to you?

● Mentioning famous people is another way to write an attractive title. Like “The 7 Secrets of Bill Gates’ Success”.

● Finally, I recommend that you read the title several times before posting. If you are inspired to read the title; You can assume that readers will also identify with your title.

Important and practical tips for attractive titles

final word

The ability to write headlines is the fine line that determines the success or not of your website. For this reason, you must take the time to become a professional in this field. According to some content producers, if you write an attractive title, you are already 50% of the way there. With this in mind, you should of course take the time to write a convincing title. To do this, you should first familiarize yourself with the methods of writing titles and then simply practice.

Do you also have difficulty writing titles? What other subtitling techniques do you think are not mentioned in this article? Please share your feedback with us

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